Our First Regular Meeting for 2023

When: January 10, 2023, 7:00 pm
Where: The Lion's Den, 135 John St. W., Exeter
What: The usual short business meeting followed by our guest speaker.
Additional Notes: Hi Folks! A big thank you to Paul Hodgins who identified our guest speaker for our January meeting. Our guest speaker will be Captain William Gark, officer in charge, Chatham Cadet Flying Site. Rob.
Follow-up / Results: Change of plans: Meghan Posthumus gave a presentation about her work as a King Air First Officer doing MedEvac with Keewatin Air in the arctic.

Some tentative dates were set for the coming flying season:
  • Fly In Breakfast - 28 May 2023 (last Sunday in May)
  • Discovery Flights - Tentatively Sunday June 11 - Dependent on volunteers
  • Poker Run 23 July
  • Corn Roast August 27
A lively discussion regarding the value of COPA National ensued.

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